The RCVM@OVC team is committed to sharing our research.

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Latest resource from the RCVM@OVC team, designed to support shared decision-making

Another recent resource from the RCVM@OVC team designed to strengthen clinical communication skills in veterinary practice
Co-written by RCVM@OVC member Dr. Jason Coe and collaborator Dr. Jane Shaw
Offered in this resource:
For more information: 
Other RCVM@OVC resources: Click any image to read.
Describing the Value of Veterinary Care Online
Clients prefer collaborative decision-making regardless of appointment type
Emphasizing life expectancy to combat cat and dog pet obesity
Using discrete choice methods in veterinary research to determine preferences
Workplace psychosocial factors and veterinary employees’ commitment to their hospital
Veterinary Technicians Contribute to Shared Decision-Making
To see more Infographics, click here.
Articles in Canadian Vet Practice magazine
Articles in Best Friends magazine, of the Ontario Veterinary College Pet Trust
Fall 2022/Winter 2023 (see p. 12: From Nose to “Tale”)
Spring/Summer 2022 (see p. 8: Your Pet, Your Vet and You)
Podcasts and Webinars
Veterinary Vertex Podcast, Dec. 2024: Boosting veterinary client engagement with benefit-focused communication
College of Veterinarians of Ontario Podcast, July 2024: The impact of spectrum of care on practice
VETgirl Podcast, July 2024: Why invest in developing communication skills in veterinary practice: Part 1
Veterinary Vertex Podcast, Mar. 2024: Transforming pet care through understanding obesity’s lifespan effects
Cone of Shame Podcast, Jan. 2024: Effective communication for sensitive topics like pet obesity
Pet Food Science Podcast Show, Jan. 2024: How communication can revolutionize the pet food industry
To see more Podcasts and Webinars, click here.
Symposia and Workshops
ICCVM Pre-Conference
Communication Workshop, Nov. 2024
Research Symposium in Veterinary Communication, July 2021
Interested in reading RCVM@OVC publications associated with the above resources?
Please visit our Publications page.
“Sharing knowledge to better ourselves, our practice, and our pets is part of the gift of providing care.”
Catherine Groves, MSc, PhD Candidate